Why are there so many shared hosting scams?
It is so easy to start a hosting company these days that it makes it really easy for scammers to setup shop. When choosing a hosting provider, definitely try to do some background research on the company to ensure that they are established to help protect yourself. There is virtually no barrier to entry - anybody with $5 can start a hosting company. If you want to find a good provider you're going to have to spend your time investigating any potential providers and searching for legitimate reviews. It's dreadfully time consuming but you don't really have any other option.
The best advice would be to spend some time researching the host before you decide to sign up with them. Check live support, ticket support, domain whois etc for a more in depth look at who you're dealing with. Its true there are many unethical hosts out there but there are also decent honest hosts as well, you've just got to look a little harder. Things you should stay away from:
- If they hide their WHOIS details or have a domain registration under a gmail/yahoo/hotmail email address.
- If their plans look "too good to be true" eg, $5/year.
- If you google their company name and nothing comes up.
Sadly even some of the people who are supposed to be reputable hosting companies with long track records. Seem to be some of the worst scammers in the industry. It's ridiculous, in so many ways. Trying to sort them out pretty much comes down to doing the best you can and then testing the waters. But it still shouldn't take someone 200 friggin hrs to get some idea of some of the scams going on in hosting. And the people who are really trying to be quality hosts, cannot get found among the ocean of sleazebags playing all these lame games in their industry. It's a sad situation for sure. As mentioned definitely feel your pain over this issue.
It is so easy to start a hosting company these days that it makes it really easy for scammers to setup shop. When choosing a hosting provider, definitely try to do some background research on the company to ensure that they are established to help protect yourself. There is virtually no barrier to entry - anybody with $5 can start a hosting company. If you want to find a good provider you're going to have to spend your time investigating any potential providers and searching for legitimate reviews. It's dreadfully time consuming but you don't really have any other option.
The best advice would be to spend some time researching the host before you decide to sign up with them. Check live support, ticket support, domain whois etc for a more in depth look at who you're dealing with. Its true there are many unethical hosts out there but there are also decent honest hosts as well, you've just got to look a little harder. Things you should stay away from:
- If they hide their WHOIS details or have a domain registration under a gmail/yahoo/hotmail email address.
- If their plans look "too good to be true" eg, $5/year.
- If you google their company name and nothing comes up.
Sadly even some of the people who are supposed to be reputable hosting companies with long track records. Seem to be some of the worst scammers in the industry. It's ridiculous, in so many ways. Trying to sort them out pretty much comes down to doing the best you can and then testing the waters. But it still shouldn't take someone 200 friggin hrs to get some idea of some of the scams going on in hosting. And the people who are really trying to be quality hosts, cannot get found among the ocean of sleazebags playing all these lame games in their industry. It's a sad situation for sure. As mentioned definitely feel your pain over this issue.
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