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Paid streaming hosting vs ustream

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Ustream is great for people that don't really want to make a revenue off the stream as Ustream display their own adverts, it's also very easy to use and most people can get it working without too much effort. The hosted streaming services let a company have their own adverts on there, can be a bit harder to setup but does look more professional, also not free most of the time.

Ustream is great however it does have ad's unless you pay to remove them. If you are just going to do say one broadcast a week and its just you then Ustream would be the best option, however if you plan to make a radio station then I suggest going with ShoutCast.

If it's some sort of professional service, Flash Media Server would provide it well, though it comes with a large cost. On the other hand, even radio professionals use UStream/JustinTV, so there is nothing wrong with that either and with the right designs on the pages + webcam features, you can make it look as professional as a private service.

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