Types Of Web Hosting Are Available
There are several different types of web hosting. Each one has specific uses that make it ideal where others are not.There are several different kinds of web hosting. First of all there is shared hosting. Shared hosting is where many different sites run on a server. None of the sites have what is called “administrative privileges,” which simply means they can’t install things which could affect the system’s stability. Virtual Private Server hosting is similar to shared hosting, but every site runs in its own virtual machine. A virtual machine is simply a full version of the operating system (what you see when you look at your computer) running in another operating system.
It gives you enough control over your own virtual machine that you can crash it, though this won’t hurt the machine running it. Dedicated hosting is the next option. Primarily used by quite large sites, an entire machine is used because the site needs that much bandwidth. And finally is web hosting reselling. In this arrangement, a small company buys web hosting off of another company and then sells it to customers. You are essentially letting a middle man jack the price to take a cut.
You need to consider your needs to decide what hosting type is right for you. Most likely all you need is shared hosting. It is far cheaper than the other options. Many sites offer it for as low as $5.00 a month, but if you take the time to look around, there are sites that will issue you a coupon that will host your site for only a penny for the first month of hosting.. Virtual Private Server Hosting and Dedicated hosting need only be considered as your site grows in popularity and traffic. Do not trust web hosting reselling. Any companies offering it will charge too much. So now that you have a grasp of the options, it is time to decide on a host.
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