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Top ten Green Web Host Services

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If you want to protect the earth while you’re using the internet for a personal or business website then you should look for the 10 best green web host services.  They should offer the same awesome services that you can find from any web host.  The difference is that they run their server with wind power or solar power.  Many of the green web host servers also have their offices powered by alternate methods.  So not only do they reduce your carbon footprint they are also reducing theirs.  If you agree with the debate on global warming you should pay close attention to the 10 best green web hosts.
Green web hosting servers may once have been considered trendy, but today they are widely accepted as being a great source for web hosting.  The web host reviews that you read should examine the claims of the green web hosts to make sure they actually are green.  Once that has been established they can go on to see what features and services they provide.  Based on the services in the different plans the reviewers can rate the hosts according to price, reliability, support, disk space, bandwidth and other services they could offer.
You will find that choosing a green web host is just as affordable as using one who is not.  So if you were concerned that protecting the planet had to cost more you will be pleasantly surprised.  Costs of the green web hosts that we found range from $3.50 to approximately $8.00.  The smaller priced green web host gave the customer unlimited disk space, bandwidth and e-mail as well as unlimited MySQL databases.  Other features that were included in the fees are a free domain, site building, online store and marketing coupons for Yahoo and Google.  It should be noted that this was a promotional charge and it may be good for a limited time.
The more expensive green web host had a discount at the time this article was written so the price was cut by forty percent.  The Linux plan is on a shared server and came with unlimited disk space, unlimited domains and e-mail accounts, free set up and a thirty day money back guarantee.  They also offered free site transfer if you needed it.  They also had plans for reseller hosting, virtual hosting and dedicated servers.  Because everyone has different needs in a web host you may need to have one of these servers.
Some of the green web hosts that reach the ten best are HostPapa, FatCow, 1&1, ThinkHost, IPOWER, Green Geeks, and HostGator.  Read the reviews that the customers have provided to get user feedback.  These reviews generally give you the pros and cons that are easily understandable even if you aren’t technologically adept.  The webmasters should also weigh in about the features and services.  Most of the time they have test websites so they also can give a customer’s perspective, but with perhaps a more knowledgeable twist.  When you persevere you will be able to find 10 best green web host servers that can meet your needs.

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