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make and save Money With A Managed Hosting Company

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Starting a business is exciting and expensive. One way to control start-up costs is to outsource a business' online work to a managed hosting company.
On the surface, managed hosting can look like an unnecessary expense. After all, anybody can put up a cheap website for a few dollars a month, right? That's true, but it takes expertise to create a website that really serves customers well and generates consistent revenue. With everything else a start-up company needs, why take on the added burden of learning how to create and maintain a website?
With this service, the client contracts with a hosting service for the use of a dedicated server and the skills of a team of web administrators to support and maintain the company website. This means that the new or expanding business doesn't have to buy and install hardware and software, nor does it have to increase its overhead by hiring highly trained computer specialists to run the website.
Businesses that want to engage a managed services company should check out three qualifications before signing a contract. These are what kind of managed hosting they're getting, what type and how many services are in the hosting plan, and how much the services will cost.
The first question a business should ask is whether it needs fully managed hosting. For many small to medium sized companies, the answer to that question will be a resounding "yes!" When a start-up is trying to make its reputation as the best source for "wicked waterless widgets, " no one has time to take on the esoteric mysteries of computers and the Internet, even though today every business needs an online presence if it's going to succeed commercially. Hiring an expert is the best solution.
Next, management should carefully review the types of features associated with a managed hosting company's plan. Some web hosting companies will provide a "soup-to-nuts" array of administrative services for a single price, while others will provide basic hosting while all other management is paid for "by the slice." The latter can be a very expensive way to run a web site, so it's crucial check out the plan features first.
After identifying three or four candidates, business owners and managers should do some serious homework. Read the fine print in managed hosting contracts and make sure that claims of "full administration" really mean it, including such things as hardware repair and software updates. Be on the alert for additional fees for some services as well as any bonuses, incentives or discounts.
Even when it seems a business may have found its ideal managed hosting company, try an engagement of six months or so before signing onto a marriage contract for multi-year service. Doing business on the Internet requires speed and flexibility, two things that aren't possible if a company needs to get out of a long-term contract first.

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