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The Essential of Ethics Web Hosting

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You may find thousands of new web hosting providers came into the industry year after year, but many of them do not sustain for long. Most, if not all of them basically have similar characteristics and limitations, low reputation and poor performance and quality. In other words, they are of low ethics.
What is ethics? Ethics is a code of business which all company needs to follow in order to stay long in the business. It is the ability of any business in holding on to their principal of high integrity, and to provide their highest level of respect to their customers in providing their best services and excellent products. There is no exception for the web hosting company in this case. Below are some of the essential goals and areas which any web hosting companies would need to meet and fulfill in order to stay ethical and be successful in the long run.
1) Great up-time:
The ability to have the websites continued to stay up and running is vital for every online business because that's the only way to keep their traffic flowing into their websites to generate sales and revenue. Every functions and options offered by your service provider will operate as expected as long as the server and the websites are up and running. Once in a while downtime for a few minutes might be acceptable, but not for repetitive down-time for a long period of time without any good explanations given.
2) Great performance:
Another way to stay ethical is to consistently keep up with the great performance of one's site in terms of its high stability, quality support and powerful features to deliver high quality performance to their clients. Make sure that you don't over-load your server for it will deteriorate in its performance and impact all the websites on the server itself.
3) Quick response from the technical support:
You might have heard too many times and from too many web hosting providers that they will provide real time technical support to their customers when the contract was initiated. However in reality, there are hardly many providers out there which provide sound and skillful technical support to their clients whenever they have issues related to their websites. This is an area in the web hosting which most hosting companies had overlooked and this is one of the areas where most failed in fulfilling their ethical values.
4) Protect your customers with great security controls:
Over the internet today, there are too many unscrupulous web-users who are seeking for the easy way to gain advantages by illegally invading other people's privacy and sites. Throughout the history of the internet, while the complexity and technology of web hosting security control has improved with the wide spread of computer threats, the diversification in the ways these attacks interrogate servers and computer systems have increased and they are more difficult to be traced down due to their many different ways of attacking and through multiple sources, which are out of many web-masters' expected when their servers were attacked.

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