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Cloud hosting vs Standard hosting

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On shared hosting you don't really get the full benefits. For example if you where using a cPanel shared hosting cloud provider you don't get the same scaleability that your provider gets. You get the same scalability that you would get with any other provider.  The cloud can be an amazing platform, however in the next few years there will be greater advances with the cloud or that it will eventually become a dead platform. For example at work, we are not aloud to use the cloud platform in our network due to UK privacy laws even though it would vastly make our network faster and make my job a lot easier. This is currently what is stopping many large UK buisnes's from using the cloud platform. Another reason why large companies are not willing to move to the cloud platform is that the system they have already works, and with a new system there are bound to be "teething" problems. If I loose a few MB I may have just lost my company millions of pounds.

Your choice depends on what you're after exactly...

Shared Cloud Hosting = Better Uptime (there may also be Scalability depending on the setup being used).
VPS Cloud Server Hosting = Better Uptime & Scalability.

There is also Dedicated Server Mirroring but it costs a lot more.

Since most cloud hosting providers are currently testing new software and trying to work out their marketing hype, trusting production environments to their new systems would not seem prudent. The standard systems are probably in legacy mode now. Any hosted content needs a good backup, the provider seems of little consequence in a shared environment.

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