Premium Web Hosting Account at $0.99-3 Years, Unlimited Plan and Many More Features
If you are running a website in Free blogging platform like Blogger or or any other place and you maybe planning to go for self hosted sites to take full control over blog.Then here, this is the right time to move to self hosted blog because you can get a Premium Web Hosting Account for very very cheap price or I can even say as Free Premium Web Hosting Account, that is also not for a 1 or 2 month, it is for 3 Years!! at the cost price of only $0.99. Hostable is offering a limited period offer where in that offer you can get a 3 Year Premium Web Hosting Account with unlimited plans at cost lesser than $1. I can bet no one can offer this type of hosting offer.
So, if you are looking for a Cheap Hosting account then you can grab one account from Hosting site. There is no hidden cost at all. Even I grabbed this offer and now my most of my website are hosted on Hostable Hosting account itself. There is no gimmick in this offer, they are running this offer just to know how they are from their client itself.
It is similar to other standard hosting services like Dreamhost or Hostgator, all the option which are available in those hosting company all those option are available here in this Hostable Hosting company too. Here is a screenshot of how Hostable hosting plan compared with other popular hosting plan.
Here is what they said about Free Hosting Plan:
Why is it free?
We want to get the word out about Hostable.
Why is there a setup fee?
There is a setup fee to make sure you are a real person and verify your identity. The way we do that is by charging a 99¢ fee. You can pay with a credit card or PayPal.
Is this a normal, full featured web hosting account?
Additional Questions:
Will there by ads on my site?
There will be NO ads on your website! (at least not from us).
Can I add my own domain name / transfer my own domain / point my domain name at your name servers?
What will my domain name / website address be?
We give you an address like – but you can add your own custom domain.
How much will it cost after 3 years?
AFTER 3 Years of FREE Hosting – your account will renew for 3 months at a time, at $6.99 per month for a total of $20.97. You can choose to renew for a longer period of time to save additional money.
How do I cancel this account?
Login to your account and create a ticket with your request to close.
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